
Moore Towne, Charles Co., MD

Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 27
Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietarie of the Province of Mariland and avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c to all Persons to whom thees presants shall Com greeting in owr lord God everlasting know yee that wee for and in Consideration that Daniell Johnson and Richard Maurice of this Province Planter hath dew unto them too hundered Acres of land by assignement from four severall Persons as appears upon Record and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are expressed in owr Condition of Plantation of owr sayd Province of Mariland under owr greater seale at Armes baring date at London the second Day of July in the yeare of owr lord God one thowsand six hundered forty nine and Remayning upon Record in owr sayd Province of Mariland with such alterations as in them is made by owr declaration baring date the 26th day of August Ao 1651 and
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 28
lickwise Remaining upon Record in owr sayd Province of Mariland doe hearby grant unto the sayd Daniell Johnson and Richard Morris all that Parcell of land Called Moore towne begining at John Clarkes Estermost bounded tree bounding on the west with a line drawne south and by Eest from the sayd Oake for lenght one hundered and sixtie perches to a marked oaked oake on the south by a line drawne East and by South for breadth one hundered Perches to a marked Gume in a swampe on the east by line drawne North and by West into the formar land on the North with the sayd Land Contayning and now layd for too hundred Acres more or lesse togeather with all Profits Rights and benefits thearunto belonging Royall Mines Excepted to have and to hould the same unto them the sayd Daniell Johnson and Richard Maurise theair heirs and Assignes for ever to bee holden of us and owr heirs as of owr Mannor of Calverton in free and Common Sockage by fealty only for all services yealding and paying thearfor yearly unto us and owr heirs at owr Receipt at St Maries at the too most usuall feasts in the year (Vizt) at the feast of the Annuntiation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St Michell the Archangell by even and Equall Portions the Rent of four shilling starling in silver or gould: or the full valew thearof in such Commodities as wee and owr heirs or such officer or officers appoynted by us or owr heirs from time to time to Collect and receave the same shall accept in discharge thearof at the Choyce of us and owr heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd given at St Marys under owr great seal of owr sayd Province of Mariland Annoq Domini 1661 Witnes owr Deare Brother Philip Caluert Esq owr Liuetennant of owr sayd Province of Mariland Philip Calvert
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 29
Endossed on the bake sid of the Precedent Patten as followeth
I Daniell Johnson Assigne all my Right title and interest of this Pattent unto Richard Maurise from mee my heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes to him his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes for ever in open Court in Charleses Countie this 16th of December Ao 1662 as witnes this my hand this 16th of December Ao 1662
Daniell Johnson
Witnes George Thompson Clarke

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