, Charles Co., MD
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 120
Daniell Gordian and his wife Mary acknowledg in open Court the sayle of thear
formar plantation beeing one hundered acres of land lung on the west side of
Portobacco Creeke from them their heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes for
ever unto francis wine his heirs Executors Administrators or assignes for ever
ut testimonium facit
Georgius Thompsonus
Know all men by thees Presant that I william Codwell doe do hearby assigne and
make over unto francis Wine of the province of Mariland Cooper his heirs
Executors Administrators and assignes all my right titell interest of this
patten and the land thearin belonging to mee hearby renouncing all Claimes that
may or shall bee maed to the sayd land by mee the sayd Codwell my heirs
Executors or Assignes witnes my hand this 12th of May Ao 1663
William Codwell his marke
test Thomas Lomax
Meuerell Hulse
This is a pattent past to Daniell Johnson and richard Morris and morises right
assigned to Codwell as more at larg will appear by the patten and assigment
Recorded in this Record November 4th Ao 1662