Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 235
Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietarie of the Provinces of Mariland and Avalon
Lord baron of baltemor &c to all Persons to whom thees Presant shall Come
greeting in own Lord God Everlasting know yea that wee for and in consideration
that Daniell Johnson of this Province Planter hat dew unto him three hundered
Acres of land for transporting Thomas Cossham Francis Kilborn Elisabeth Crafts
Charles Smith and George kenby into this Province hear to inhabit as appears
upon Record and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are expressed in own
Conditions of Plantation of own Province of Mariland under owr greater seale at
Anmes baring daet at London the second day of July in the year of owr Lord God
1649 and Remaining upon Record in own sayd Province of Mariland with such
alteration as in them is maed by own declaration baring daet the day
of September Anno 1658 Lickwise Remayning upon Record in owr sayd Province of
Mariland doe hearby grant unto the sayd Daniell Johnson a Parcell of Land
Called Johnsons Choyce near adjoyning to the North bound of seaven
hundened Acres of land formarhy layd out unto him and Richard Maurise Neare
Sackayo Swampe begining at a marked oake in a swampe by a fresh Rune bounding on
the west by a line drawne North and by west from the
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 236
sayd oake for the lenght of three hundened and twenty Perches to a marked oake
on the North by a line drawne East and by North from the sayd oake for breadth
seaventy five perches on the East by a line drawne South and by East from the
end of the East and by North line for lenght three hundered and twenty perches
on the south by a line drawne west and by south from the end of the south and by
East line unto the first marked Oake Containing and now layd out for one
hundered and fifty Acres more or less together with an other Parcell begining at
a marked Oake in the East and by north line of the formar line near unto the
North and by west line of land formarly layd out unto George goodericke of this
Province Gentln bounding on the south by a line drawne East and by North from
the sayd Oake in and beyound the sayd line for breadth seaventy five Perches to
a marked Pokikery tree on the East by a line drawne North and by west from the
sayd Pokikery for lenght three hundered and twenty Perches on the North by a
line drawne west and by South from the end of the North and by west line untihl
it intercect a parnarell drawne from the land of the sayd Gooderickes on the
west by the sayd land and Parrarell Containing and now layd out for one hundered
and fifty Acres in all three hundered Acres more or lesse together with all
Rights Profits and benefits thearunto belonging Royall mines Excepted to haue
and to hould the same unto him the sayd Daniell Johnson his heirs and assignes
for ever to bee houlden of us and own heirs as of own Mannor of Sackayo in free
and Common Soccage by fealty only for all mannor of Sarvices yealding and paying
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 237
for yearly unto Us and owr heirs at own Receipt at St Maries at the too most
Usuall feasts in the year (Vizt) at the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed
Virgin Mary and at the feast of St Michell the Archangell by even and equall
Portions the Rent of six shilling in silver or gold and for a fine upon every
alienation of the sayd Land or any Part or parcell thearof one whole years Rent
of silver or gold or the full valew theanof in such Commodities as wee and own
heirs or such officer or officers as appoynted by us and own heirs from time to
time to Colect and receave the same shall accept in discharge thearof at the
Choyce of us and owr heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd Provided that
if the sayd Daniell Johnson his heirs or Assignes shall not pay unto us or own
heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd the sayd sum for a fine and enter
the sayd Alienation upon Record either in the Provinciall Court or in the County
Court whear the sayd land lieth within one month next after such alienation the
sayd alienation shall bee voyd and of no effect given at St Maries under own
great seale of own sayd Province of Mariland this flint day of July And in the
32 year of owr dominion over owr sayd Province of Mariland Annoq3 Domini one
thowsand six hundered sixty three witnes own deare sonne and heir Charles
Calvert own liuetennant generall of owr sayd Province of Mariland
Charles Calvert
Endossed on the backe of the sayd Patten as followeth
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 238
I daniell Johnson and Elisabeth Johnson doe assigne over unto Thomas Smoote all
owr Rites and titels of the within mentioned Patten as witnes owr hands this 4th
January 1663
Daniell Johnson