Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 464
Know all men by thees Presents that I francis Wine doe hearby impower Mr Wm
Marshall in my stead to acknowledge at the next Court a tract of land by mee
sould to Henry Hawkins as witnes my hand this 25th day of Aprill 1665
francis Wine
Test John Powicke
Joseph Horton
This Indentur maed the twenty five day of Aprill Anno one thowsand six hundered
and sixty five Between francis wine of Charleses County in the Province of
Mariland Cooper of the one party and Henry Hawkins of the sayd County Plter of
the other party witneseth that the sayd francis Wine as well for and in
Consideration of the Quantitie of ten thowsand pounds of tobacco and Caske in
hand Payd befor the ensealing and deliverie hearof by the sayd Hawkins whearof
and whearwith the sayd francis Wine doth acknowledg himself Satisfied Contented
and Payd thearof and of every part and parcell thearof doth acquit and discharge
the sayd henry Hawkins his heirs Executors Administrators and every of them by
thees Presents as also for divers other good Causes and Considerations him
hearunto moveing Have granted bargained sold Assigned set over and Confirmed and
by thees Presents doe fully Clearly and absolutly grant bargain sell Assign set
over and Confirme unto the sayd Henry Hawkins his heirs Executors Administrators
and Assignes all that Parcell of Land Situate lung and beeing in Charles County
aformentioned lung on the North side of Patomake River and on the west side of
the mayne fresh of Wicokomeco River next adjoyning to the land formarly layd out
to John Clarke of this Prov-
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 465
ince Gent begining at the sayd Clarkes northermost bound tree runing East and by
north for breadth three hundered and fifty perches to a marked Oake by a hill
sid bounding on the East by a line drawne North and by west from the sayd Oake
for lenght three hundered and twenty pearches to a marked oake one the north by
a line drawne west and by south from the sayd oake for breadth three hundered
and fifty Pearches to a marked Oake on the west by a line drawne South and bee
East from the sayd Oake unto the first Marked Oake one the south by the east and
by North line Contayning by Estimation seaven hundered Acres bee the same more
or lesse Now in the tenur and Occupation of him the sayd francis wine and laetly
in the tenur and occupation of Daniell Johnson and Richard Morris of the same
County all and singular which sayd Parcell of land togeather with all and
singular the howses buildings structurs or edifices whatsoever thearunto
belonging or in any mannor of ways appertaining to have and to hould the sayd
Parcell of land and all and singular the Premisses aformentioned to bee hearby
bargained and sould with the appurtenances and every Part and parcell thearof
whatsoeuer befor named or Receited unto the sayd Henry Hawkins his heirs
Executors Administrators and Assignes for ever and the sayd francis wine for
himself his heirs Executors Administrators doe Couenant grant and agree to And
with the sayd Henry Hawkins his Executors Administrators and Assignes and every
of them by thees Presents that hee the sayd Henry Hawkins his Executors
Administrators and Assignes and every of them by thees Presents shall and may
lawfully Peaceably
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 466
and Quiatly Have hould Occupie poses and enioy all and singular the Premisses
befor by thees presents bargained and sold and every part and Parcell thearof
with every the Rights members and Appurtenances without the law full lett suit
troble eviction Expultion interruption or demand of or by the sayd wine or of or
by his heirs Executors and Administrators or Any or eyther of them or of or by
any other Person or persons Lawfully Claiming by from or under them or any of
them or their or any of thear uses or by from or under their or any of their
titles Estates meanes or Procurments, as also acquited and discharged or within
Conuenient time after request Resonably made well and sufficiently Saved and
kepe harmles and from all and all manner of formar and other bargaines Sales
Estates formar leases titles dowers Rights or titels of Dower Joynturs uses
intayls wills Rent Charges Rent survises arrearages of Rents Statuts
Recognisances Judgments Executions titells trobles Charges and demands
whatsoever had made don Committed or wittingly or willingly suffered by the sayd
francis Wine his heirs or Assignes or any of them or of or by any other person
or persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming by from or under them or any of them or
thear or any of thear uses or by thear or any of thear titells Estate meanes or
Procurment and the sayd francis wine for himself his heirs Executors and
Administrators all and singular the befor bargained premisses with thear
appurtenances and every part and Parcell thearof unto the sayd Henry Hawkins his
heirs Executors and Administrators all and singular the befor bargained
Premisses with thear
Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber B, Folio 467
appurtenances and every part and and Parcell thearof unto the sayd Henry Hawkins
his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes to the intent and meaneing
aforsayd Shall and Will Warrant and forever defend thees Presents the Rents and
Sarvices which from hence forth from time to time for and in respect of the
aformentioned Premisses hearby sold which shall grow due and payable to the
Chiefe lord and Lords of the fee or fees thearof for and in Respect of their
Signiorie or Signiories only excepted and foreprized in witnes whearof the
partys first above mentioned to thees present indenturs have interchangably set
thear hands and seals the day and yeare first above written
Seigned sealed and delivered togeather with posession by Livery and season by
turfe and twige
francis Wine
Henry Hawkins
in the presence of
Josias fendall
Daniell Johnson
Samuell fendall
Mr Henry Hawkins payd to the Righ Honble Lord for a fine for the alienation 14s
starling and Mr Henry Addames as his Lord's receaver Receaved it