State of Illinois, County of Wabash, __
On this twenty eighth
day of February before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace for
the said County of Wabash and State aforesaid personally appeared
Charles Riggs, who on his oath declared that he is the same person who
formerly belonged to the company commanded by Captain Henry
Gaither in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Stone in the ser
vice of the United States. That his name was placed on the pension
rolls of the State of Kentucky from whence he as lately removed.
He now resides in the State of Illinois where he intends to remain
and wishes his pension to be there payable in time. The follow
ing are his reasons for removing from Kentucky to Illinois.
That his wife being dead and his family grown up, two of his sons
having removed to and settled in the State of Illinois, two of his
sons who were there in Kentucky also wished to remove to Illinois
but were unwilling to go unless in the company with their deponent
father. Consequently, the deponent, at their urgent request, was induced to
go along with them and did so accompany them out and join
his other two sons where were previously living in the State of Illinois.
Charles Riggs
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid.
James H. Beale, JP
State of Illinois
Wabash County, __ I Hiram Bell, Clerk of the County Commissioners
Court, of Said County, do certify that James H. Beale, Esq. is
a magistrate __ above and that the foregoing signature
purporting to be his is genuine.
In testimony where of I have hereunto _
My name and affixed the seal of Said
Court at Mount Carmel, this 2nd day of
March 1837. Hiram Bell Clerk